Friday, September 29, 2006


My life seems to be so busy that I have trouble just living it, much less writing about it.:)

Things are good with us here. The fall is a busy time. Soccer. Gymnastics.Metal Detecting. Award shows. Zoe.

...oh, yeah..writing for the majority of artists that come off the summer tour season and all seem to record in the same month.

I went to a exclusive invitation-only party this week that Kenny Chesney put on for all the writers who had written a song for him. It was quite a little get together and I got to see friends I had not seen in a while. Got some good food and of course lots of things with rum in them. (It was Kenny's party, after all). Also got presented some nice wall candy to hang at the office and got to talk to Kenny for a minute or two. We had a laugh. I reminded him that the 1st writing appointment I ever had in Nashville was with him. It was right after his 1st single came out and we sat in the room and didn't write a thing. Then we went down to Mac's cafe in his little beat up Mazda truck and he bought me a bowl of chili and then we went to a guitar store and played guitars neither one of us could afford.
....Kenny made $36 Million......Last year.

For some reason I've yet to discover, that party got me thinking about stewardship and gifts and honoring God with my work...I suddenly became honest with myself about how easy it is for me to write songs on autopilot...and how many times I start a song with someone and the goal is to see how fast I can get out of the room and onto something I like better. and how the product of that approach resembles different shades of mediocre. And how for the 1st time in my carrer I am disatisfied with my activity and it has nothing to do with money. any case..I went to work the next day and wrote what I believe (and most people that have heard it believe) is the best song I've ever written....and as has been the case with any song I've written that has gone on to success, I barely remember writing it. The whole experience was....redemptive.

Big backlog of pictures coming soon....

I can feel in the deepest part of me God preparing me for Zoe....It always seems to work that way.....we look forward to seeing all of you that are coming up for it.

pieces of peace-

Can't wait to hear it. Sounds like you are on to something big.
Brad? Brad who?

Just kidding - good to hear from you again. I love it when God blesses us with a little insight of what it is like to create. Interesting - whenever I create something, I feel like I've poured a little of myself into it. And that's what He says about how He created us...

Looking forward to seeing you at Zoe!
Can't wait to hear the song... looking forward to seeing y'all this weekend!
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