Sunday, June 18, 2006

Don't have a heart attack..I'm back..Stacked and packed....

...Oh, sorry...had a Will Smith moment...

1st update since Jan..Much has happened..Not that anyone ever reads this pitiful excuse for a blog...Anyway, I did something tonight that I've never done. I played Guitar...In church..During worship....It was great...Brandon asked me this week to sit in on Celebration Sunday night and it was cool...

1) 3rd week of teaching Network...Spiritual Gifts assessment class at OC...Empowering stuff..More about that later...

2) I've dug a ton of great CW relics in the last two months..Pics later...

3) New Office

4)A few songs cut..

5)Still the same ole sinner saved by Grace...

6) New favorite books: Nashville: The Occupied City: The 1st 17 months and "Simply Christian" NT Wright.

7) Newest itunes D/L: Michael Mcdonald: What a Fool Believes

Do you ever think blogs/Myspace/etc are our generation's way of returning to dependent community? Or our we just consummate narcissists?

Daniel Amos...yes..Brisbane..Represent...Save the computer room for me...back to AU soon:)


We're narcissists.


Welcome Back. (Queue old 70s TV show music...)
Don't I know you?
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