Friday, January 06, 2006

Ipods must be the coolest invention of the past 10 years! The past few days I've been listening to the unabridged version of CS Lewis "Mere Christianity" on my way into work via my ipod. What a great combination of pure logic and simple truth that comes from this man. I've read part of it but in the car I can concentrate more deeply on the writing.
I'm also reading NT Wright's "Paul" along with The Gospel of John both in the Amplified english and the original Greek (which takes me about 1 hour per chapter...Sounding out and pronouncing is one thing, only knowing the meaning of every 5th word is something else:) I LOVE it though....

With all this I still have to find time to watch all the Firefly episodes with Joss Whedon's commentary....Whew! Who has time to write songs:)


Such a hard, hard life you lead. Feel my pity for you.
Not as easy as it looks, Pal!!
You try waking up every morning and trying to find a new rhyme for love....
dove, uh, gov, uh, shove, um, move (no wait)...

I thought all you guys did was drink until you woke up with a good song.
almost time for that monthly blog update!

I just linked to him yesterday, but now I might have to reconsider...
you suck
i mean brad - not jeremy
how about you post something about that crazy zoo you live in, that you like to call your home.
Well, I guess we'll find out this weekend if you're truly still alive...
Hey Hey Hey! It's Aaron bro! How ya' doin? Nice to meet ya the other night. Give me a shout sometime!

God Bless!
Aaron Crisler
Don't have a heart attack..I'm back..Stacked and packed....

...Oh, sorry...had a Will Smith moment...

1st update since Jan..Much has happened..Not that anyone ever reads this pitiful excuse for a blog...Anyway, I did something tonight that I've never done. I played Guitar...In church..During worship....It was great...Brandon asked me this week to sit in on Celebration Sunday night and it was cool...

1) 3rd week of teaching Network...Spiritual Gifts assessment class at OC...Enpowering stuff..More about that later...

2) I've dug a ton of great CW relics in the last two months..Pics later...

3) New Office

4)A few songs cut..

5)Still the same ole sinner saved by Grace...

6) New favorite books: Nashville: The Occupied City: The 1st 17 months and "Simply Christian" NT Wright.

7) Newest itunes D/L: Michael Mcdonald: What a Fool Believes

Do you ever think blogs/Myspace/etc are our generation's way of returning to dependent community? Or our we just consumate narcessists?

Daniel Amos...yes..Brisbane..represent...Save the computer room for me...back to AU soon:)

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