Sunday, October 09, 2005

Isn't blog just hebrew for "ramble"?...
Wow! Finally a forum for what I do best!

Seriously, I look forward to getting to know some new people through this format, which is truly yet another of the seemingly endless extensions of our global village-ness.
I have so many interests and hobbies and passions that it won't take long for this single blogg (is this one or two Gs?) to get clogged with eclecticness.

BTW, right off the bat here let me lay it out: I am officially the worst speller currently residing in the United States.

I intend to unfold the exaustive (and exausting) depths of my existance due time, of course.
Pontificate and Position myself on topics of which I have an interest (American Civil War, Competition Scale Modling, Relic Hunting, Collecting, Star Wars, Old guitars, Pro Tools, Books, Video Games, Politics and Policitical History, Franklin Tn, Alabama Football.....ahh, I almost forgot, music)...

Those things are my intrests, hobbies and Job.

This is my Passion:
Jesus Christ.
I was saved 21 years ago. Well...I was saved 2000 years ago..I got saved 21 years ago. And what a journey it has been.
A few years ago, I stopped meeting myself long enough to meet God. And I keep meeting him in the most unexpected and unlikely places it seems.
A few years ago I stopped talking at God and started listening for God.
A few years ago the words from The Word began to wash the mud of my western existance out of my eyes just enough to experience a sliver of "Kingdom Vision"....and I had one of "those" moments.
Like the scene in The Matrix when Neo sees for the first time not just the images of the matrix but the matrix itself....or when a gifted musician just looks at the transcribed page (I don't understand how they do this) and sees not just the notes but the soul behind the notes...

and I began to realize that God is not only speaking to his called...he is screaming.

More to come.


I tried to rent you my little house on Hermitage Drive YEARS ago! I didn't know you were at the conference! I wouldn't have known you anyway but, I remember your name from your songs! Maybe I'll find you next year!
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